Your Money

We understand the value in receiving your rental income when you want it.
We’re happy to transfer your funds on a fortnightly or monthly basis… and at no extra
charge. We get it. We’re investors too. 


Your Funds When You Want Them      

As Investors ourselves, we understand the value in receiving your funds when you want them. We’re happy to transfer your funds, fortnightly or at month end. This will obviously depend on the frequency of payments by the tenants. If the tenant pays monthly for example, we could only therefore pay the owner monthly also. With your funds when you want them, you can literally save thousands of dollars in interest simply by making more frequent repayments on your property loan.

An example...      

On a $500,000 loan at an interest rate of 6% over 25 years, you can save $85,983 in interest simply by making fortnightly payments rather than monthly payments. It’s that easy.

Don't have a property loan?      

You can still benefit from Your Funds When You Want Them - invest more frequently and earn more on your money faster.